Scotto on YouTube

I've recently updated my YouTube channel in light of recent curation activities, and I wanted to highlight some hopefully intriguing new playlists, and revamped versions of old playlists. The pandemic has made it hard for me to focus on long form entertainment - apathy sets in before I get very far - so I've pivoted hard to exploring music videos and short films, and I wanted to share the early results of that deep dive.

First of all, if you'd like to peruse my entire channel at a glance, it's here.

Next, here are some key playlists for your enjoyment:

braincandy - trippy visuals, weird comedy, strange films, absurd animation, excellent dancing, wild light shows, sci-fi musings, experimental art, and psychedelic miscellany.

Surreal and psychedelic music videos - In which a cross-section of trippy music videos are collected for your convenience. Stuff in this playlist is (as the title on the tin suggests) surreal and psychedelic, wild and weird, bizarre and beautiful, occasionally disturbing.

much preferred customers - This is music posted to my tumblr of the same name, along with music that should've been posted there. It's a giant tour through my history as a music blogger for something like 15 years now.

Music video favorites: I keep track of my favorite music videos by release year, from 2021 going back to 2006. You can definitely find some good stuff in those playlists if you're at all a fan of the medium.

I've got a bunch of other playlists up there for your listening & viewing pleasure; plus all three seasons of my web series The Coffee Table are up, and there's a little playlist called Scottoworld that proves I continue to exist in some manner. {Over on Soundcloud, there's a parallel Scottoworld playlist with a lot of the music stuff I've done over the years.)

Go forth and check all this business out!
