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FringeWare Review (20)12

Gravity Not-FAQ & Mirror

by Deborah Siegel
To: Gravity
From: deb of the desert
Subject: to ghost consumers: achieve enlightenment now

gravity not-faq & mirror.

hi gravityfolx. anybody who needs to take a good long look at themselves but does not want to invest the energy needed to be precocious and self-centered etc, ===>look. the mirror gives only one answer to the gravity not frequently asked question. - 'dont let this happen to you'.

wielded by a single metaprogrammer non-existent means it can pick up behavioral pattern waves and particles good bad charming and annoying at no EXTRA RISK. all are welcome, though we specialize in extreme cases of cynicism, idealism, and other powertrips. instant karma, low-maintenance companionship (albeit narcissistic) can be yours. the Gravity Metaprogram Mirror is familiar with a large selection of your favorite beasts, ghosts, voices, and inner simians, as well as your most despised nemesis and shadow-dweller. spirit guides available every hour ON the hour for rocketship day-trips (where the sea is the sky), dream or reality: castles, labyrinths, underground caverns, alien planets, or any combination thereof.

look no further, this gravity not-faq is all that you will ever need. one out of every twenty-three participants will be visited at home by god.

for the incredibly lucky and resourceful we have pools of enchantment where life is lonely yet full of beauty, mean-hearted yet mind-bending. come visit your favorite paradox in our famous Gravity Paradox Zoo. pleeze, pleeze, do *not* feed the paradoxes. testing done for doppleganger syndrome, shyness, viruses and INSEKTS. watch as your safety becomes UNIMPORTANT in our laboratories. excess lower circuitry burned away. warning: do not fall in love in our laboratories, or you will be 1) strapped down 2) put on restricted chemical diet (see erica's rules of tripping section 38-b do not call your SO) 3) taught ancient methods of self-flagellation.

look no further, this gravity not-faq is all that you will ever need. one out of every twenty-three participants will be visited at home by god.

are you full to the womb with puke, deceit, and sexual confusion? you are not alone. fleshmeet, as we spit in the eye of the beholder! rage, rage against the dying of the light! beware the ides of march! stop making sense! auto-eroticize! engage in bizarre Bacchanalian Rituals, Cyber Dances, and further Dramatizations of an otherwise bleak erosion of human expression. tired of kitchen drudgery? bake more chocolate cake and feed it to your friends. love one another but make not a bond of love for the time will come (the rim of the apocalypse could use a cleaning) to hop a plane train automobile etc and gtf out of here. remember, 'dont let this happen to you'.

Fort Deb

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